
ラ・ブランシュ - La Blanche


Long time ago, about 30 years, I found a French restaurant which I loved and dined often, and I visited there yesterday after over 10 years of absence. It gets a little too tight when the tables are full, but I like its atmosphere that brews comfortable intimacy rather than gorgeousness. The chief waiter was still on the job and we recognized each other that stimulated more conversation.
The restaurant I went the most in those days was probably Brasserie Bernard in Roppongi where I learned the proper dishes of lamb. When I wanted slightly more elevated dishes with refinement, it was La Blanche in my mind. The reason why I stopped going was because of the convenient alternative near my office like Cave des Vignes in Ginza or more affordable L’Artemis Petiante run by the chef who used to work at La Blanche, and also I later had more Japanese for eventful dinners.
This time I took snapper poirée and trippa, but the dishes were inevitable of ages in my impression. I was not certain if it was because the times stepped forward or because the taste of the restaurant actually changed. The wines were excellent, both Sancerre and Pommard, reasonably priced. And the fromages were most enjoyable.


東京の和久傳 - Wakuden in Tokyo


After the return from Kyoto, I went to Tokyo today and stopped by at Wakuden in Yurakucho as I thought of some small packet of sweets while the sustained overtones of their bento box were still vivid. I chose Kuzuyaki chestnut cakes. The picture shown here is Lotus-root Mochi (jelly cake). Its Kinako bean flour was excellent.
I thought no bento boxes were available in Tokyo but I noticed a paired boxes of “celebration” and the staff explained to me it was made available only in November weekends.


うま味の認識 – Umami Comes West

● 牡蠣、お茶、干物、完熟トマト、熟成チーズ、これらの味を甘い・酸っぱい・しょっぱい・苦いという従来の味覚要素で言い表すことは難しい。
● 旨味が鰹節と昆布で取る出汁の味を表すことは日本では当たり前だが、そのエッセンスがグルタミン酸というアミノ酸であることを1907年に解明したのは池田博士で、のちに味の素の創始者となった。
● 旨味が『第五の味覚』として欧米で注目されるようになったのは今世紀に入ってのことで、グルタミン酸の他、ある種のアミノ酸やプロテインもしくはとヌクレオチドにも同様の効能が発見される。
● 世界各地で独特の旨味に共通の鍵は発酵だ。中でも出汁の優れている点はアミノ酸とヌクレオチドの両サイドを取り込んでいるところで、鰹節と椎茸が究極のコンビというところか。

In Rowan Jacobsen’s private site, he posts a short writing about Umami that reflects his deep knowledge and insight. I won’t cite its point here because it is quite easy for you to read for yourself, but Umami is the essence of tastiness commonly known in Japan, and it came to Westerners’ attention after 2000 through the realization of its scientific mechanism. An interesting reading indeed.


樓外樓 - Roppongi Rogairo in Kyoto


Nice autumn weather today, and we could see Fushimi-Momoyama Castle far down south on a hill through the window of Kyoto Granvia Hotel. We happened to know they served holiday lunch in the weekend at Rogairo on the 15th floor, so we went. That’s the picture I took then. Rogairo used to be one of restaurants I frequently went when our office was in Roppongi, and the Kyoto branch seemed putting their focus more in the upper-market. The 2800 Yen lunch started with shark’s fin soup and both my partner and myself were very happy with this comfortable lunch.


和久傳 - Wakuden in Kyoto


In autumn-colored Kyoto, I walked from Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku) to Daitokuji temple today, and on my way I phoned Murasakino Wakuden in the neighborhood to order a double-decker bento box. It was for my dinner back in my hotel. This was the benchmark of bento ultimately and each piece in the box was unarguably delicious. 4500 Yen price before tax is a bit high but I still think it a bargain for its quality.


蜂蜜と牡蠣 – Honey and Oysters


● アメリカでは、我々は『生き物を食べる』という感覚は滅多に遭遇することはなくて、食事というのはたいてい調理され、火が入り、あるいは不快さを起こさせないようできるだけ加工されたものになる。そんな中で牡蠣というのはまさに正真正銘のそのまま生で食べる希有な食材だ。
● しかも牡蠣は海の味がする。他の海の幸ではこうは行かない。ワインであればテロワール(地味)がよく知られているのと同じように、どこの海で育ったかによって、具体的には温度、塩分、潮の状態、含有ミネラルなどの要因で、牡蠣の味は変わる。『土地』ではないのでメロワール(海味)とでも呼ぶのが良いのだが、誰も知らない単語を口にしてもレストランで馬鹿にされるのがオチなので、ここは牡蠣のテロワールで通すのが良いだろう。
● 牡蠣は環境の化身というに止まらず、環境作りに手を貸す存在だ。海底の汚れを掃除して水を綺麗にしてくれるので、多くの生物が住みやすくなる。


It is such a horrifying story to me that massive disappearance of bees would cause a catastrophic impact to the ecosystem of plants globally. In the essence, the agriculture and other primary industries are the activity relating itself to the workings of nature’s lives, and it should be strongly admonished to view them entirely from financial angles. A book drove me to think so: “Fruitless Fall” reports the critical situation of bees in North American, and I recently learned Rowan Jacobsen the author is a journalist who enjoys quite some knowledge about foods in Japan and is also a connoisseur of oysters.
“A Geography of Oysters” was a gift from my wife and I have just started reading to find some interesting passages.

➢ In America where we rarely ate recognizable creatures, oysters were the real deal, unadorned and live. This food didn’t come to you prepped, cooked, and otherwise altered to make it as pleasing and unthreatening as possible.
➢ Oysters taste like the sea. No other food does. Not lobsters, not saltwater fish, not scallops or clams or even kelp. (…) Each appellation produces oysters with distinct characteristics, due to the bay’s temperature, salinity, algae, tides, minerals, and many other factors, including the genetics of each bay’s population.
The wine term for this is terroir, and it makes perfect sense to speak of terroir with oysters, which exhibit their provenance so precisely. Yet, taken literally, it makes no sense at all. Terroir, after all, refers to terra firma, and oysters’ terra isn’t very firma. But it’s term already familiar to most readers, and speaking of meroir would get you laughed out of most restaurants, so terroir it is.
➢ Oysters are not mere avatars of their environment, either. They help create it. Scientists refer to oysters as ecosystem engineers because they are the key to maintaining estuaries with stable bottomland, clear water, and a flourishing web of life.

And he describes a dozen oysters you should know and then goes into more details.


鎌倉のイタリアン - Cipollino


I took my friends to Cipollino for dinner on Sunday. This restaurant is least identifiable from outside, and the interior is not much decorative with almost inorganic black walls, but it guarantees me a quiet and comfortable dining in Kamakura. Another Italian favorite of mine, Ammirare is very close across the First Shrinegate of Wakamiya Ohji.
For the dinner, you can choose the menu from 3 different courses starting slightly above 5000 yen. I ordered scampi for the starter, then crab pasta and roasted red snapper. I think the dishes are all delicious and enjoyable, but their presentation remains simple and straight. They seemed specialized in pastas in particular, and it is always difficult to choose among variety of options. Their deserts are still good but may be one notch down. I could not get an espresso because the machine was out of order that evening.


京都のイタリアン – Divo Diva

2日目のランチは四条烏丸の大丸からほど近いDivo Divaという店に入った。僕は蒸し煮された金目鯛の上に薄切りのズッキーニをあしらったランチ、連れ合いはエビ・貝のトマトクリームソース・パスタを注文した。前菜もそうなのだが、旨味をちゃんと持ちながら決して突出することのないうす味の極地のような味付けに、これはイタリア料理と言っても京都基準の味だとつくづく思う。

For the second day’s lunch in Kyoto, we went to an Italian restaurant near Daimaru department store at Shijo-Karasuma. I ordered steamed alfonsino topped with very thin slices of zucchini and my partner ordered shrimp and shellfish pasta with tomato cream source. Divo Diva definitely offers Italian but precisely speaking I thought its taste actually falls under Kyoto criteria; “the ultimate delicacy of subtlety and sophistication” where the dishes surely integrate the tasty essence but none of elements never stick out. After the happy lunch, we strolled the arcade of Nishiki-koji and bought some square sushi, rolled eggs with stock and chestnuts of Tanba for souvenirs, and took the return train home.


京都・セントノーム - Centnovum in Kyoto


I am in Kyoto now. Hotel Centnovum in a few minutes’ walking distance to the east from Hachijo exit of Kyoto Station did not look busy at all, but I picked its Japanese restaurant, Sansui, from the guidebook and had lunch there. The assorted set was relatively small but the quality was evident with the amazing tempura quality and serious wasabi for sashimi, or tofu on side and miso soup. I thought 1500 Yen was a happy price.


Grapes - ブドウ


Grapes are in season now and I often have them with yogurt. To peel the fruit, it seems smoother to tackle from the top of the skin rather than from the bottom. It is my recent finding.


ロールケーキ - Roll Cake


The roll cake that pops up in my mind immediately would be Dojima Roll of ChouChou for which people always line up in the store. Whipped cream occupies a large portion of it, but the taste is light and fresh. Yesterday, I bought a roll cake of Angelina, renowned for their Mont Blanc. The size was relatively small and on the top featured was a decorative layer of their popular Mont Blanc. It tasted richer with some more density, and I can recommend it. The price is 1365 Yen.


おかずのクッキング - Okazu Cooking on TV


There was a topic the other day with my French teacher about choucroute alsacienne and coincidentally a TV program of chef Yoshiharu Doi followed to make one, and it triggered me to try when a few friends of mine gathered. A very precise recipe of choucroute can be found in an American website “No Recipes”, but I took a more efficient approach according to Doi’s style, and it went well. My teacher did not really get it to make such a hot dish in this hot season.
The TV program’s textbook was already replaced with a newer version at bookstores, August/September issue, which was actually full of inspiring dishes so I bought it to make some of them. Sashimi soaked in bitter melon is a great discovery for the summer, and the picture here shows marinated vegetables and chicken, a very well received “okazu” by my family.


古典葉 – Koten Leaf in Kamakura

杉本寺や浄妙寺近く、金沢街道から川沿いの裏道を入って釈迦堂切通に向かう住宅地に、地場の魚と野菜で家庭的なイタリアンを供する店がある。見落としそうな構えで看板にはNatural Diningと謳っている。僕は昼食にカサゴ・カマス・豆アジのフリッターをいただいたが、添えられた野菜と共にシンプルで鮮度の良い一皿だった。気さくなおかみさんとの会話も楽しかった。

From Kanazawa Avenue Near Sugimoto Temple or Jomyoji Temple, take the backstreet across a brook and you will find in the residential area to the pass for Shakado Kiridoshi a hidden restaurant to serve home-style Italian dishes of local fish and vegetables. The signboard says Natural Dining. I ordered a flitter plate of mackerel <鯵>, rock fish <笠子> and barracuda <魳> for lunch, and all including the salad on the side tasted quite fresh. Also enjoyed the conversation with the lady who ran this place.


パリのワインショップ - Wines in Paris


Wines are available from about 3 Euros in Paris in super-markets. As for department stores, Lafayette was rather disappointing and Bon Marche in Rive Gauche carried a much better collection. Near our apartment was the chain store Nicholas and I was amazed to see a Chateau Montrose 2003 with the price tag of 262 Euros. Apparently, I can’t buy one for that price. Among bottles around 10 Euros that I looked around and tried, the best was Montagny 1er Cru for 14.5 Euros. It was so good that I brought one back to Japan.


La Table des Halles - ランスのビストロ

ランスでは駅に近いマルス通り界隈にいくつかレストランがあって、予想外だがそれぞれ魚に軸足を置いているようだ。一通り各店を品定めして気に入ったところに入ればよいだろう。我々は赤ミシュランに掲載されているというAu Petit Comptoirが混んでいたので隣の店La Table des Hallesに入った。僕はしっかりガーリックが効いたエビのソテー、連れ合いはトマトの三部作でこれはガスパッチョ、テリーヌ、シャーベットを並べた逸品で目を輝かせる女性も多いと思う。もちろん地元のシャンパンも注文した。僕らは軽いアラカルトにしたが、ランチコースなら15ユーロだ。まだ新しそうな若い店でお隣より格下だと思うが、楽しい食事ができた。

Near Reims station in Rue de Mars are a few restaurants and rather unexpectedly they seem to focus on fish menu. You can examine each of them carefully and pick one that attracts you. We went to a bistro next to Rouge Michelin listed Au Petit Comptoir as it looked very busy. We took light dishes: garlic-sauté shrimps for myself, and tomato trilogy for my partner. The latter was an impressive plate of gazpacho, terrine and sorbet that would enchant gourmandizes. If preferred, a course menu for lunch was 15 Euros. And don’t forget to order one of local champagnes. This restaurant looked relatively new by young staff and probably less classy than the neighbor next door, but we had an enjoyable meal.


Fish, La Boissonerie


We met with married couple of friends living in Paris who took us to lunch at Boissonerie on rue de la Seine, a fish restaurant very close from our hotel. Inside looked unrefined and old but radiated quite an atmosphere of local bistro. The dishes were surely satisfactory to all of us and the price was basically in the similar range as Maître Albert but practically cost slightly more because of à la carte menu. FISH is on top of the restaurant’s name which sounds awkward to me, but it is probably because they wanted to balance with Boissonerie squeezed from boisson and poissonerie.


L’Atelier Maître Albert – アトリエ・メートル・アルベール


This was our choice among the restaurants in our list that offer good lunch but not excessively pricy in Rive Gauche, Paris. L’Atelier looked simply contemporary even from its exterior, and the dishes were all very refined. The course menu for lunch was 25 Euros or 29 with dessert, and I chose crispy lamb roasted with honey, which was excellent. The service was efficiently agile to our comfort. Across the Seine is Notre-dame Cathedral.


Bio Marché - 有機市場

イギリスの食事情が良くなったと書いたが、フランスに移ってみると環境そのものが流石に違うのを歴然と感じる。どこに行ってもパンをはじめとしてうまいものが豊富だ。日曜にはセーブル・バビロン駅近くでビオ(有機)食材が並ぶ市場が立つのであれこれ仕入れたが、牛乳が生々しく違う、ヨーグルトも独特の味、イタリア食材屋の生ハムのうまいこと、サクランボも安くて新鮮と楽しい買い物だった。友人に連れられてマレ地区のユダヤ人街にあるL’As du Fallafelでファラフェルの立ち食いにも行ったが、これが癖になりそうなうまさだった。今回の旅行からはすでに帰国したところだが、一週遅れで行ったお店の報告を書こうと思う。

I wrote about the progress of food in England, but as we moved to France one would immediately notice the obvious difference in the alimentation environment. Starting with the bread, there is abundant delicious stuff everywhere. On Sunday near Sevre-Babylone, we visited a bio market to get a few things: Milk was fascinatingly fresh, Yogurt tasted unique, Prochute in an Italian store was just excellent, and cherries were cheap and fresh. A friend of mine took us for a quick lunch to L’As du Fallafel in Malais, which was good and almost addictive. We already got back to Japan yesterday, but I will try reporting some restaurants reviewing a week back.


Loch Fyne - バースの魚料理店


This is most distinguished fish restaurant in Bath as our local friend’s wife recommended. I ordered some oysters as my starter and they were amazingly good. On the wall they said “direct from our shore”, so I asked to our waiter where, and he said it was Ile of Skye upper in northern Scotland. I seemed the oysters were originally came from Japan. I felt no worries in a long stay in Bath as long as I can come to this restaurant.


Kew Gardens


We visited Kew Gardens and had lunch in the cafeteria stylishly named as Orangerie, but it was where you can experience how bad the meals in England used to be in the past. Suggest that you enjoy soft drinks only here.


Canterbury - カンタベリー


To those eyes that have experienced Italian or French architecture, Canterbury Cathedral may look just rustic frankly speaking. Height Street where travelers hang around was exactly like Komachi Street in Kamakura. We walked around for a place to lunch but nothing was appealing except this brasserie’s board advertising mussels with a free glass of wine. I ordered moules marinieres and my partner ordered a salade niçoise. They firstly brought the bread which was not a baguette but something more like a panini although it was unexpectedly good. The dishes were not bad at all for 25 pounds including tips.

Gloucester Road

ヒースローから宿に着いた時には時差でもう眠かったので、簡単な食材を仕入れて部屋で食べて寝ることにする。近くの地下鉄駅Gloucester RoadにはWaitroseというスーパーがあって品揃えはまずまずだった。カレーの総菜、ハム、ジュースなどを仕入れたが、どれも予想以上の満足度だった。駅前には品川や大宮の駅構内に出店しているフランスのパン屋PAULがあったのでそこでポルトフォイユ、クロワッサンなどを買った。こうした一定レベル以上のものが買えるようになったのはロンドンのここ10年の進化だと思う。

When we got to the hotel from Heathrow, we were already sleepy because of the jet-lag, and we decided to buy something quick to bite. Near Gloucester Road underground station, we found a supermarket called Waitrose and their collection looked reasonable. We bought some ham, a dish of curry, and orange juice all of which turned out to be satisfactorily good beyond expectation. Also found was Paul, a French bakery that we see in Shinagawa and Omiya stations. We bought some croissants and a portfeuille. Accessibility to things exceeding a certain level like these is to me a definite progress of London in 10 years time.


Bills - 七里ヶ浜


I ran to Shichirigahama Beach on my bike and stopped by at Bills for lunch. Restaurants in this area tend to be busy, and I waited for about 30 minutes. Staffs are young and nice, but if I may raise some points, the chairs are too low for the table, a glass of wine I ordered did not show up before they brought my dish, and one thing unlucky today was the smell of perfume from the guest who sat next after me floated around.
This is a good example of branding business to serve ordinary cooking with highly added value. Young people who do not care much about what's on the plate may enjoy this stylish atmosphere. Reputed "world's best breakfast" is surely cheaper than typical breakfasts in business hotels.


Gama - ガマ


I saw a bakery a while ago at Zaimokuza which made me curious. The sign said “closed today in preparation” on Wednesday and Thursday, and so I first tried it in Friday afternoon to find most items were already gone. I made my second attempt more carefully Saturday morning around their opening time. A rather large loaf of bread (x1.5 size) was 840 Yen with orange peel or mugwort flavor, their main item looked like foccacia that was over 300 Yen, and the rest was variety brown bread, no white ones really, and it appeared as a bakery to struggle and live with flour and yiest. A young couple started this shop in July last year who seemed originally from Kyoto/Osaka.
What was most impressive to me was the flavor of orange peel stood out more clearly in a few days and the bread did not show any signs of decline or mold. I tried almost all reputed bakeries from Kamakura to Zushi, and I think Gama is the best choice for me and I am glad it is exactly in my neighborhood.


梵蔵 - Bonzo


I dropped in a small buckwheat noodle restaurant near Kuhonji Temple in Kamakura. Utterly plain interior forms a typical Japanese space that leads to the sense of “wabi” profundity. Cups and bowls are made by a craftsman in Shiga prefecture, and all the tables use pure, thick lumber wood. I have tried several Soba places from Hayama through Kamakura, and now found a recommendable one in my neighborhood.


BLA on the Beach – なぎさ通り


As it implied in my last few blog uploads about the subject of local material and cooking, I do not go out to dine often recently, but to name places to eat, I do have some nice spots in Zushi. Let’s start from JR Zushi station and take right. It is called Nagisa (Beach) Street and you see Starbucks on your left as you proceed. Very soon on your right is ENISHI, a bar with relaxingly dark interior. They offer Japanese style lunch, too.
Going further, a tiny Italian place is too easy to be overlooked on your left or in front of a traditional soba restaurant. Bla on the Beach is the name: no idea what but surely it is not a bra. Here they offer dishes of local fish and vegetables, homemade pastas, risotto from your aqua pazza soup after finishing the meat, all to confirm that this is a great trattoria for locals, far from being flashy but with friendly atmosphere. I asked for an espresso but the answer was no ballista staff there. I really hope they grow steadily further.
Moving on, you will see “Ku-Ku” letters on a white wall, and it is a Chinese restaurant. Inside is comparably small, and this may serve more as a dining bar in the evenings. I had lunch a few times here and found very reliable.


Aqua Pazza - アクアパッツァ


In the weekend I cooked a whole alfonsino into aqua pazza, and our guests were totally enchanted with it. I am now confident with this simple recipe. It is true to say that the multi-layered taste with clams, anchovy, tomato, olives and wine is braised into the fish meet, and I tend to make it more often than poêlé recently.
Today with sea bream (kurodai), my mind was instantaneously determined when I bought the slice that looked so good. I added hen of the woods mushrooms to see how it would turn out, which worked well, too.


地元野菜 - Local Vegetables


Vigorous spinach for 100 Yen, small broccoli for 80 Yen, these are the vegetables I bought at a small grocery near Zushi station and I really enjoy choosing local stuff since I started living in Zushi. Fish is another attraction as I can find a slice of wild red-snapper for 200 Yen, that of yellow-tail for 150 Yen, or other affordable yet very fresh things like mackerel or snapper head with no need scanning on costly material. An essential benefit for a humbly retired man.


Tuna in Yaizu - 焼津のマグロ



Yaizu is known for the largest fishing port landing tuna in Japan, but will it display any surprise to me as I know other famous markets such as Misaki and Tsukiji? While my schedule was generally rushy, I stopped by at Shouri near the City Hall for a sushi lunch. I chose 10-piece nigiri, the second top of their line for 2500 Yen. All the material was very good without question, but for this price it may be reasonable. Rather, I felt the rice or the clam soup would deserve some more refinements.
I hoped to try another sushi restaurant the following day but I ended up in Fish Center market where about 70 shops gather. This is an interesting place to see how serious Japanese are for sea food. There were a few sushi-bars in the market and I bought 8-piece tuna nigiri for 1050 Yen; medium-fat “chutoro” of Bigeye tuna was quite convincing. For souvenirs, I bought dried young sardines, barbecued tuna cheeks, and the last but not the least Southern bluefin tuna's “chutoro” in a small block.


ラタトゥイユ - Ratatouille


Pour le déjeuner, j’ai fait la ratatouille aujourd’hui. C’était très facile et bonne. J’ai essayé des légumes hachés un peu plus gros. Cependant le goût semble foncièrement la boîte des tomates conservées, je pense …


Bistro Matsushimatei – ビストロ松島亭


I was in Kiso-Fukushima in this weekend. It was already after 13:30 when we arrived, but we managed to have lunch at Bistro Matsushimatei; the locals recommended this restaurant the most. This area was an old village for travelers on one of the traditional routes from the east to the west, Nakasendo, and the restaurant facility was actually in 150-year old magnificent house of a merchant offering well refined Italian-style meals.
The pasta course is 1200 Yen, and the other course with the main dish is 1800 Yen which I ordered. The menu consisted of the assorted hors-d’oeuvre of vegetables, prochute and shrimps, a choice of salmon/cabbage spaghetti or pizza with yam, and a choice of bacon-rolled oysters on spinach omelet or chicken cutlet. The dessert was an assortion of three kinds. The menu as well as the atmosphere was more than my expectation, so I can recommend this place for travelers.


Boulangerie Fair - 伊勢丹


I happened to come across with a bakery fair at Isetan department store yesterday. Renowned bakeries such as D'une Rareté and Dominique Saibron were there, and I bought a quarter of levan by Signifiant Signifié and a curry bread by Subir to try them. There are some other bread that I would like to check out at Signifié.


Fossetta - フォセッタ


Today’s nice weather pushed our back to go out for my birthday lunch, and we luckily managed to get a table at Fossetta in Nishi-Kamakura. With a few minutes’ walk from the Shonan monorail station is this small trattoria in a corner of residential area. I ordered the course B for 2,835 Yen. Assorted starters included fried sardine, prosciutto mouse, and rather French-style carrot soup, all indicated excellent skill of cooking. Following the oil-based spaghetti with oysters and watercress, I chose grilled lamb for the main dish with an extra charge instead of sea bass or chicken, and it came with plenty of lightly-grilled vegetables, an exact example of Kamakura excellence that is particular with quality of vegetables.
The atmosphere inside was slightly rustic, focusing on enjoying good food in a natural and straightforward manner without excessive sophistications. This relaxed experience of quality dining will be quite satisfying.


Maison de Cerisier - 押さえておきたいフレンチ


As we had dinner at la Maison de Cerisier in Shibuya yesterday, I conveniently bought some paté and cheese at the first-floor shop. The cheese is named “Sakura” made in Hokkaido, and this brie-like fromage was very creamy rich and excellent. Paté de campagne and another piece of canard were quite straightforward and enjoyably delicious, and above all the price was just reasonable. This exciting finding cannot be expressed through the picture.


Bottle Shock - ボトルショック


I saw “Mondovino” a few years ago, and its title seemed to me obviously implying Mondavi. The movie was regarding the American winemaker capital that reigns global wine business, the wine media like Parker to assist them by influencing consumers’ preference, and the small local French winemakers that fight against them. An excellent documentary.
Bottle Shock” was introduced in the recent Sundance Film Festival as an amusing movie that dealt with the time before US had gained such monstrous powers in the business; a typical American success story of Chateau Montelena whose chardonnay won the first prize along with Stag’s Leap Cabernet in 1976 blind tasting in Paris to trigger the reputation of California wines in the world.
It is quite encouraging phenomenon that movies treating wines as their theme make hits, not to mention “Sideways”.


Flying with a wine - ワイン運び


It is very inconvenient to carry wines in the recent air travels not being allowed to carry-on. Introducing here is the most rigid package I’ve ever seen, and it came with a bottle when I bought wine in one of Napa wineries. It was too good to throw away, and I often use it in my suitcase.


うち山のおせち - Uchiyama Osechi Assortment


Very recently, probably after the release of Michelin Guide 2009, it is totally difficult to have lunch at Uchiyama because the guests often line up in the restaurant. It was not like this a year ago.
For this year, I had ordered “Osechi”, the new year’s festival food assortment, at Uchiyama. When I visited the restaurant on the New Year’s eve, the entire dining space was filled with number of boxes, and the visitors kept coming in. The two-layer boxes were rather heavy. The chef Uchiyama came to greet me from one of private rooms as I leave, and he seemed to have worked finishing these orders through the night.
It was exceptionally enjoyable to taste such amazing pieces of work as octopus, sweetfish with roe, dried mullet roe, prawn, salmon eggs along with a good bottle of wine like Pavillon Rouge Margaux.

Poorman’s wine of the year - 2008年のお手頃ワイン


Louis Picamelot Blanc de blanc

Ramón Roqueta Reserva 2004

Listed above are last year’s affordable great wines below 2,000 Yen. Everybody gathered in a small party appreciated Louis Picamelot sparkling wine. Roqueta is a Catalan wine blending Tempranillio and Cabernet Sauvignon.