
古典葉 – Koten Leaf in Kamakura

杉本寺や浄妙寺近く、金沢街道から川沿いの裏道を入って釈迦堂切通に向かう住宅地に、地場の魚と野菜で家庭的なイタリアンを供する店がある。見落としそうな構えで看板にはNatural Diningと謳っている。僕は昼食にカサゴ・カマス・豆アジのフリッターをいただいたが、添えられた野菜と共にシンプルで鮮度の良い一皿だった。気さくなおかみさんとの会話も楽しかった。

From Kanazawa Avenue Near Sugimoto Temple or Jomyoji Temple, take the backstreet across a brook and you will find in the residential area to the pass for Shakado Kiridoshi a hidden restaurant to serve home-style Italian dishes of local fish and vegetables. The signboard says Natural Dining. I ordered a flitter plate of mackerel <鯵>, rock fish <笠子> and barracuda <魳> for lunch, and all including the salad on the side tasted quite fresh. Also enjoyed the conversation with the lady who ran this place.


パリのワインショップ - Wines in Paris


Wines are available from about 3 Euros in Paris in super-markets. As for department stores, Lafayette was rather disappointing and Bon Marche in Rive Gauche carried a much better collection. Near our apartment was the chain store Nicholas and I was amazed to see a Chateau Montrose 2003 with the price tag of 262 Euros. Apparently, I can’t buy one for that price. Among bottles around 10 Euros that I looked around and tried, the best was Montagny 1er Cru for 14.5 Euros. It was so good that I brought one back to Japan.


La Table des Halles - ランスのビストロ

ランスでは駅に近いマルス通り界隈にいくつかレストランがあって、予想外だがそれぞれ魚に軸足を置いているようだ。一通り各店を品定めして気に入ったところに入ればよいだろう。我々は赤ミシュランに掲載されているというAu Petit Comptoirが混んでいたので隣の店La Table des Hallesに入った。僕はしっかりガーリックが効いたエビのソテー、連れ合いはトマトの三部作でこれはガスパッチョ、テリーヌ、シャーベットを並べた逸品で目を輝かせる女性も多いと思う。もちろん地元のシャンパンも注文した。僕らは軽いアラカルトにしたが、ランチコースなら15ユーロだ。まだ新しそうな若い店でお隣より格下だと思うが、楽しい食事ができた。

Near Reims station in Rue de Mars are a few restaurants and rather unexpectedly they seem to focus on fish menu. You can examine each of them carefully and pick one that attracts you. We went to a bistro next to Rouge Michelin listed Au Petit Comptoir as it looked very busy. We took light dishes: garlic-sauté shrimps for myself, and tomato trilogy for my partner. The latter was an impressive plate of gazpacho, terrine and sorbet that would enchant gourmandizes. If preferred, a course menu for lunch was 15 Euros. And don’t forget to order one of local champagnes. This restaurant looked relatively new by young staff and probably less classy than the neighbor next door, but we had an enjoyable meal.


Fish, La Boissonerie


We met with married couple of friends living in Paris who took us to lunch at Boissonerie on rue de la Seine, a fish restaurant very close from our hotel. Inside looked unrefined and old but radiated quite an atmosphere of local bistro. The dishes were surely satisfactory to all of us and the price was basically in the similar range as Maître Albert but practically cost slightly more because of à la carte menu. FISH is on top of the restaurant’s name which sounds awkward to me, but it is probably because they wanted to balance with Boissonerie squeezed from boisson and poissonerie.


L’Atelier Maître Albert – アトリエ・メートル・アルベール


This was our choice among the restaurants in our list that offer good lunch but not excessively pricy in Rive Gauche, Paris. L’Atelier looked simply contemporary even from its exterior, and the dishes were all very refined. The course menu for lunch was 25 Euros or 29 with dessert, and I chose crispy lamb roasted with honey, which was excellent. The service was efficiently agile to our comfort. Across the Seine is Notre-dame Cathedral.