
ナクア白神ホテル&リゾート - Naqua Shirakami Hotel & Resort


Naqua Shirakami is basically a ski resort developed by Seibu Prince Group when they were uprising, but the business condition in recent years have been bitter and their golf course is cut down to 18 holes now abandoning the remaining half that only serves as walking area today. We picked this facility this summer to relax for a few days. Most visitors are of group bus tours and motor travelers, but those who rely on trains like us can request the pick up service to/from the hotel.
Doing nothing but just with the panoramic view of Tsugaru and even a part of Hokkaido beyond the sea, the stay was comfortably relaxing. Something that made the stay more fantastic was the meals here. The regular arrangement for the dinner is buffet, but we chose a proper dinner course for the first night which was absolutely right. It started with Japanese style hors d’oeuvres and sashimi, then switched into French with the broccoli soupe and thereafter. Each presentation was beautiful and the taste of small portions in variety was quite impressive. The chef, Susumu Mikami was said to be in 40’s.
We had lunch the next day in this restaurant, and the course menu of 1500 Yen was just great as you can see in the attached photos.
As for the buffet dinner in the regular plan, we tried it on the second day and confirmed it was actually quite good: variety of choices, beef, pork, pasta, or crab legs as much as you are satisfied.


NZ Bar - 根津のワインバー

根津のNZ Barに行った。何で飲み会に根津までと言うと、ここはニュージーランド・ワイン専門のバーという他にはない個性を放つ場所だからなのだ。我々は女将が並べてくれた4本のピノの中からChurtonを飲むことにした。開栓直後には個性的な地味を感じたが、基本的には優しい味のピノという印象だ。並行する料理にはラタトゥイユ、鰯のマリネ、アワビのソテーなどを注文したがどれも美味しかった。ここには実はNZのワインメーカーの面々も訪日中に息抜きがてらやって来るらしい。というかNZワインに一家言ある者はここに出没するに違いないという感じ。一方で、帰りがけに立ち寄る地元住民らしき客もちらほら入ってきて、この土地に根付いている雰囲気が頼もしい。時々行きたい。