
Rituel par Christophe Vasseur - 青山のリチュエル


I went to Shibuya to watch a movie and conveniently extended my excursion to Aoyama to visit a boulangerie. It came from Paris, called Rituel which is a branch of "Du Pain et des Idées". I bought croissants and a chausson aux pommes as a try. They don't have the kind like baguettes, and on the display were mostly sweet pastries except pain demi. A croissant costs 3 Euros (350 Yen) which is almost a double of typical price among known bakeries. The wrapping is excessive, too, and I tend to judge this is a shop for celebrities. Still, their reputed Pain des Amis is truly authentic.


Boulangerie Yamashita - 二宮のパン屋さん

そのパン屋はBoulangerie Yamashitaと言って、大磯の先、二宮の吾妻山公園に向かう道中にある。外からは何屋さんか分からない構えで、つい見過ごしてしまいそう。今日はご覧のようなパンを仕入れて即Uターンしたが、飲み物を注文してここで食べることもできるので、チャリ走の途中で休憩場所としても使える。何とも優しい食感は生地の肌理がすごく細かいからで、ちょっと幸せな気分にしてくれる。丁寧な手作りの賜物ですね。2年前のオープンだそうです。http://www.boulangerieyamashita.com

I ran my bike for 1 hour to shop some bread. Boulangerie Yamashita is located on the way to Azumayama Park in Ninomiya beyond Oiso, but it may be easily overlooked as you cannot see what business they run from its exterior. I bought three kinds of bread today and quickly ran back home, but you can order some drinks and eat in the boulangerie as well, so it would be a good spot to rest during the exercise.
The immediate impression of mildness may be because of its very fine texture, contrary to country styles, and it brings us a sense of happiness: A very nice gift from careful craftsmanship. 
This boulangerie started 2 years ago.