
Gurgaon - 銀座ランチ@グルガオン


I had a late lunch at Gurgaon in Ginza 1-chome that I had not been to for quite a long while. I actually accompanied my wife to Confiture et Province just across the street, and I suggested her a curry for lunch. When I once took an Indian friend of mine to this restaurant, he commented that the taste was not quite genuine Indian and I could not get a full praise from him, but I did not care because I know the meal in this restaurant is absolutely delicious. Evidently, my wife enjoyed it very much. I ordered a set of 3 different curries as usual, but I could not handle the hottest (red bowl, left in the photo) today as it was outrageously hot somehow. The chai after the meal was also good.


鎌倉のフロレスタ - Floresta, Kamakura



“JIN”, a serial TV drama has started again. The previous series was absolutely the most exciting drama in last several years, and TBS highly advertises that it was very popular in many countries as well. It automatically explains that they are eagerly stretching the new series even further. It appeared to me the first episode was a little too stressed because of this pressure. By the way, the highlight of the first episode was seemingly the donuts, so let’s switch the topic.

Near Kamakura station, a new donut store opened recently on Wakamiya-Oji avenue. The signboard tells that they are from Nara. There is almost always a line of people to shop, and I was in it, too. The flour is selectively from Hokkaido, the milk is soya, and etc, all the particular material and the care for the gentle taste according to their pitch. Indeed, the taste has no exaggeration or stimulus but simple mildness. Among a few I tried, “Kinako” soybean flour donut was very good.


上福岡のガーランド - Garland, home-made cakes



オーベルジュ櫟屋 - Auberge Kunugiya

オーベルジュの名の通り、 ここの夕食は欧州風家庭料理という感じで、前菜、サラダ、スープ、魚、肉とコースで供される料理を箸でいただきます。ミネストローネスープはすごくアットホームな暖かい雰囲気がありました。それぞれ美味しく作られた主人の手料理でしたが、メインの牛ほほ肉シチューなど幾皿かは出された温度がぬるい感じがして、特にこの夜は寒さの強い日でしたので、お皿だけでも温めれば違うのにと、そこまではこだわらないのかなと残念に思いました。そういえば、その日はソムリエ役の奥さんが不在とのことで、ご主人はやや尻込みしながらワインを出してくれたり、何から何までひとりでこなすという状態でしたが、普段は奥さんが客対応を担当する二人三脚なのかも知れません。

さて翌朝になって、雪が降っていたのも驚きでしたが、和食の朝食が用意されていたのには意表を突かれて最大の驚きでした。 そのセッティングは写真の通りです。上品な器に囲まれてちょっとした贅沢感もある朝ご飯です。 中には名前を聞いたこともない地元の野菜が2品ほどあって、それが素直に美味しかったので、摘草料理なんだと思いながら楽しませていただいきました。


はなの舞 - Hananomai, Yufuin





We took the train from Oita to Yufuin. I was surprised to see the only single cart train, but its red color was charming [*1]. The inn picked us up at the station, but it was still just after the noon before the check-in time, and we went out for a walk in the village leaving our luggage at the inn.

There was a street with many souvenir shops lined up conveniently for a window-shopping. We then decided to take a break at Café Nicol of Tamanoyu [*2]. I had a problem with my stomach in the morning and hesitated to have lunch and ordered an herb tee. My wife took a soup set in the menu as her light lunch. Tamanoyu is one of the authentic inns in Yufuin where my mother, when she was still alive, repeatedly expressed that she wanted to go back to stay there again. I thought it was too classy for us this time, and besides the charge was more than a double.

The main building of Hananomai [*3] was the public zone with the front desk and the dining area, and its interior as well as the exterior was not too decorative, which looked to me rather refined. A huge wooden beam [*4] and an amazingly thick single wood counter top [*5] were the examples of their affection toward the warmth of wood in this 17-year old house. As for the guest rooms, they were in a separate house, and the access was well taken into account in the layout including another building of baths. The room had nothing to marvel and relatively old, but very relaxing.
We felt happy to have the dinner in the main building instead of our own room, and we were led to the Japanese floor further in through the area with tables and chairs. The floor around the table was digged out (“horigotatsu” as we say) for the comfort of sitting, and the floor was kept warm.

Shown in the picture [*6] is the starter of Kaiseki dinner we had ordered in advance at the time of our reservation, and the series of small but sophisticated plates came one after another. The fish and the steak were excellent, and it was quite satisfying meal for us. My stomach seemed recovered by this time.

And equally enjoyable was the breakfast [*7] with beautiful ceramics and porcelains and of course very nice food. This is the style of treatment in Yufuin, I thought.