
黒鯛のポワレと牡蠣のラグー - Black Porgy Poirée and Oyster Ragoût



Usual Italian in Kusatsu – 草津温泉でいつものランチ


Parce que j’étais à Kusatsu la semaine dernière pour faire un petit tour en vélo, j’ai eu une chance de déjeuner à Al Rododendro comme d’abitude. Il a commencé avec une vichyssoise et ensuite le plat de pasta était ragoût de venison Sasayama et champingons locaux. Très délicieux !

At the entrance were hanging a couple of rainbow trouts, and the chef explained me that he fished them in Haruna and smoked them for himself. He even showed me box-full smoked trouts that were just done.


井六園の京番茶 – Daily Kyo-Bancha Tea


At an event of Kyoto foods in a department store, I came across with interesting brown tea leaves that tea-maker Irokuen sells as Kyo-Bancha, and I bought a pack to give it a try. It tasted like a roasted tea.


BESNUG - 大磯でランチ


I ran my bike to Odawara Castle today. The plan was to get back all the way by train, but I noted a burger shop on the left and a curry shop on the right along Route 1 near Oiso, so I made a turn around for lunch.
The burger at Besnug is the real burger. The price is from 700 to 1,000 Yen, and the additional 350 Yen will make it a lunch set with soup and beverage.


日の出園 - Hinodeen Tea House


Here is my favorite bargain priced Dokudami tea. The seller is located in Nagara of Hayama, a very convenient neighborhood for me to visit. So I went there for the first time. There were variety of traditional-style sweets, decors, and other small things in the shop, and the half of the house serves as the tea room with sweets. I will surely try it next time.


Yusoshi - 愉・想・使


After the chorus training on Saturdays, we often stop by at Shinjuku for lunch. Our favorite is Yusoshi on 6F of Lumine because a good Japanese meal is precious by itself, and the service of young staff is pleasingly professional. The picture shown is "Tatsuta" fried chicken on rice, but probably the most recommendable here is the "Deli lunch" for 1,000 yen that you choose three dishes among several different ones, beverage or ice cream, and with rice and soup. The restaurant is packed completely by young generation people and it indicates how classic Japanese meals are loved by them.


ピクル酢 - PickleSU [vinegar]


Pickle-SU is handy vinegar to turn vegetables into pickles, so I gave it a try. No sweat for 3 days or so, and I can have pickles. The taste was slightly too dense to me, and I put some honey to get a better balance.


楠田ワインの自家製オリーヴ・オイル - Kusuda's Home-made Olive Oil


Looks like a half-bottle of desert wine, but it is olive oil made by Kusuda Wines. Some hundred olive trees grow in Hiro Kusuda’s garden.
Around the harvest time of grapes every year, many voluntary friends fly from Japan to Martinborough, New Zealand to assist him, and the bottles are a good souvenir to them as they are not available in the market.
Well, they tend to hesitate opening this precious souvenir, but the oil will be oxidized as time passes, so I positively consume it. Its flavor is very refreshing.


盆栽的ブドウ作り – Bonsaique Viticulture




I went to Academie du Vin today to join the wine seminar by Hiro Kusuda who ran a winery in New Zealand. The room was full for this special event and there were more female participants. All of them looked very serious. The title was something like “the amazing purity realized through Bonsai-like viticulture” that sound rather academic, but Mr. Kusuda explained some examples of how much care was taken in growing grapes. This care is actually a series of very fine work, and the local people tend to think Kusuda is insane, but he feels nothing he does is extreme as we Japanese know how much attention would be put on Bonsai plants. Also we share a similar example of professionalism with Ichiro in MBL.
Toward the end of the seminar, Mr. Kusuda told us an episode while he was working on his graduation thesis to analyse the wine flavor elements, and something he found was that people liked wines that had distinguished appeal of positive flavors even though they tended to also carry negative flavor elements. On the other hand, the best wine he thought himself was with rather subtle positive elements but almost undetectable level of netative flavor elements. This sounds exactly like the Kusudaism that charactarizes the feature of Kusuda Wines.


今年の手作りマーマレード - Marmalade, This Year





I managed to get a carton of Valencia oranges this year. Well, actually the speed of their growth was rather slow and it was close to June end when I received the 5-kilogram box. Tangerin farmers in Ehime continue to suffer in recent years because the climate of our islands fundamentally changed. There were noticeably green oranges in the box, but their taste was equally good.

I received a friend of mine for help this year, and I actually left her the process of boiling down and deciding when to stop. The second photo shows the day before when slices of oranges were soaked in the water and rest minimum 12 hours. As you open the lid the next day, the orange flavor spreads out in the entire room, which is truly the most happy moment in making marmalade for yourself.

Packing the finished marmalade gel in the boiled empty preserver glasses, half of them served as the souvenir for the helper. We used millet sugar this time and made naturalist’s marmalade. Many available recipes generally instruct to use 700 grams of sugar for 1 kilo of oranges, and this ratio by itself totally horrifies me as I cannot distinguish whether I taste the orange or the sugar! We cut a half, and 350 grams of sugar guarantees sufficiently sweet marmalade.


バターミルクで作るスコーン - Buttermilk for Scones


1. 薄力粉120g+全粒粉120g、ベーキングパウダー小さじ1、重曹小さじ1/2をふるいにかける。
2. レモン1個を絞り、皮はおろし金で摺り下ろしておく。
3. 牛乳70-80ccにレモン汁大さじ1を混ぜて15分寝かせ、バターミルクを作る。
4. 砂糖40g、小さく刻んだ無塩バター40-50g、塩小さじ1/4を[1]に混ぜる。
5. バターがざっくり粉に馴染んだところで、[3]と残りのレモン汁、レモンの皮も加え、スコーンねたとして丸くまとめたら、30分以上冷蔵庫で寝かせる。
6. 取り出して大きめなら6個、小さめなら8個くらいのかたまりに分け、オーブンで焼く。焼き加減は適当ですが、うちでは190度25分くらいです。

I made some scones last night as I had run out of bread for the morning. They looked like scones reasonably this time, so I am happy to post the recipe. They have bread like texture and crispy crust. They taste refreshing because of buttermilk and lemon.

1. Sieve 120g flour and 120g of whole wheat flour, 1 small spoon baking powder, 1/2 small spoon baking soda.
2. Squeeze 1 lemon and zest the skin.
3. Buttermilk: Mix 70-80cc milk and 1 large spoon lemon juice, rest 15 minutes.
4. Blend 40g sugar, 40-50g unsalted butter (cut in small pieces), 1/4 small spoon salt with [1] and [3] in a bowl to stir them into a coarse mixture.
5. Rest the dough for 30 minutes in refrigerator.
6. Form the dough into 6-8 round scones and bake for about 25 minutes at the temperature around 190 degrees C.


涸沢ヒュッテ - Karasawa Hütte


I went to Karasawa Hütte in northern Japan Alps. It was a completely different world in snow with the altitude of 2300m. Yesterday’s weather was fabulous and we enjoyed 360 degree panoramic view of mountains including Hodaka. Everything is delivered to this lodging by helicopters, and I had heard the reputation of their dinner that easily exceeded restaurants down in cities. Indeed, it was something I did not expect from the meals in mountain lodges.


スコーンを作る - Favorite Scones


Scones are my favorite. When I received a visit of friends the other day, I made some financiers for them, and had egg yolks left behind. What am I going to do with them? I realized that I could use them in scones, and made plain scones, which went quite well.
So my challenge escalates to master even more complex scones and I target “lemon+ginger” using buttermilk. Note that I have to make buttermilk for myself because it is not commercially available in Japan. I have not found dried ginger in my neighborhood, but the photo shows what I did today for experiment checking the procedures and the right amount of stuff to use. Butter and milk were excessive in this case. Pleasingly tasty though!


Bœuf Bourguignon - 牛肉の赤ワイン煮


お礼のランチにはブフ・ブルギニヨンを用意、僕が参考にしているレシピはNIKKEI MAGAZINE 2009/11からの切り抜きで、これは肉と野菜だけでじっくり時間をかける古典的な作り方が勉強になるから。ネットの中にも似たような手順で4日がかりの料理レポートブログもあります。

使ったワインは800円のシャプティエ社Pays d’Oc。ブルゴーニュではなくコート・デュ・ローヌ地区からグルナッシュ・シラーという僕の好みのブドウを使っています。駅前スーパーで見つけました。



The plan for yesterday with a friend of mine was a 30km run to Sajima back and forth, but we gave it up because of the rain and worked on the maintenance of my bicycle instead as he gave me various assistance.

In return, I prepared for him a lunch of beef bourguignon. The recipe I refer to is the clip of Nikkei Magazine 2009/11 because it is very classic and basic using beef and vegetables only but taking very long time (2-4 days) for cooking.

I picked a 800-yen wine in a supermarket near the station: Chapoutier’s Pays d’Oc. It is not burgundy but my favorite grenache and syrah from Côte du Rhone.

I used two kinds of beef: a block of domestic beef round well worthy for slices of steaks and an Australian block of rib with the price of about 1/3. It is generally said that less pricy meat is sufficient for this kind of dishes, and it is true that the rib was indeed tasty, but the tenderness of more expensive beef was definitely superior in comparison.

I had the remainder in the evening which was even better than the lunch. The more the time is spent in cooking, the more the sweetness of vegetables melt in the sauce. In case you don’t have enough time, you may add some tomato purée and sugar to adjust the taste.


Gurgaon - 銀座ランチ@グルガオン


I had a late lunch at Gurgaon in Ginza 1-chome that I had not been to for quite a long while. I actually accompanied my wife to Confiture et Province just across the street, and I suggested her a curry for lunch. When I once took an Indian friend of mine to this restaurant, he commented that the taste was not quite genuine Indian and I could not get a full praise from him, but I did not care because I know the meal in this restaurant is absolutely delicious. Evidently, my wife enjoyed it very much. I ordered a set of 3 different curries as usual, but I could not handle the hottest (red bowl, left in the photo) today as it was outrageously hot somehow. The chai after the meal was also good.


鎌倉のフロレスタ - Floresta, Kamakura



“JIN”, a serial TV drama has started again. The previous series was absolutely the most exciting drama in last several years, and TBS highly advertises that it was very popular in many countries as well. It automatically explains that they are eagerly stretching the new series even further. It appeared to me the first episode was a little too stressed because of this pressure. By the way, the highlight of the first episode was seemingly the donuts, so let’s switch the topic.

Near Kamakura station, a new donut store opened recently on Wakamiya-Oji avenue. The signboard tells that they are from Nara. There is almost always a line of people to shop, and I was in it, too. The flour is selectively from Hokkaido, the milk is soya, and etc, all the particular material and the care for the gentle taste according to their pitch. Indeed, the taste has no exaggeration or stimulus but simple mildness. Among a few I tried, “Kinako” soybean flour donut was very good.


上福岡のガーランド - Garland, home-made cakes



オーベルジュ櫟屋 - Auberge Kunugiya

オーベルジュの名の通り、 ここの夕食は欧州風家庭料理という感じで、前菜、サラダ、スープ、魚、肉とコースで供される料理を箸でいただきます。ミネストローネスープはすごくアットホームな暖かい雰囲気がありました。それぞれ美味しく作られた主人の手料理でしたが、メインの牛ほほ肉シチューなど幾皿かは出された温度がぬるい感じがして、特にこの夜は寒さの強い日でしたので、お皿だけでも温めれば違うのにと、そこまではこだわらないのかなと残念に思いました。そういえば、その日はソムリエ役の奥さんが不在とのことで、ご主人はやや尻込みしながらワインを出してくれたり、何から何までひとりでこなすという状態でしたが、普段は奥さんが客対応を担当する二人三脚なのかも知れません。

さて翌朝になって、雪が降っていたのも驚きでしたが、和食の朝食が用意されていたのには意表を突かれて最大の驚きでした。 そのセッティングは写真の通りです。上品な器に囲まれてちょっとした贅沢感もある朝ご飯です。 中には名前を聞いたこともない地元の野菜が2品ほどあって、それが素直に美味しかったので、摘草料理なんだと思いながら楽しませていただいきました。


はなの舞 - Hananomai, Yufuin





We took the train from Oita to Yufuin. I was surprised to see the only single cart train, but its red color was charming [*1]. The inn picked us up at the station, but it was still just after the noon before the check-in time, and we went out for a walk in the village leaving our luggage at the inn.

There was a street with many souvenir shops lined up conveniently for a window-shopping. We then decided to take a break at Café Nicol of Tamanoyu [*2]. I had a problem with my stomach in the morning and hesitated to have lunch and ordered an herb tee. My wife took a soup set in the menu as her light lunch. Tamanoyu is one of the authentic inns in Yufuin where my mother, when she was still alive, repeatedly expressed that she wanted to go back to stay there again. I thought it was too classy for us this time, and besides the charge was more than a double.

The main building of Hananomai [*3] was the public zone with the front desk and the dining area, and its interior as well as the exterior was not too decorative, which looked to me rather refined. A huge wooden beam [*4] and an amazingly thick single wood counter top [*5] were the examples of their affection toward the warmth of wood in this 17-year old house. As for the guest rooms, they were in a separate house, and the access was well taken into account in the layout including another building of baths. The room had nothing to marvel and relatively old, but very relaxing.
We felt happy to have the dinner in the main building instead of our own room, and we were led to the Japanese floor further in through the area with tables and chairs. The floor around the table was digged out (“horigotatsu” as we say) for the comfort of sitting, and the floor was kept warm.

Shown in the picture [*6] is the starter of Kaiseki dinner we had ordered in advance at the time of our reservation, and the series of small but sophisticated plates came one after another. The fish and the steak were excellent, and it was quite satisfying meal for us. My stomach seemed recovered by this time.

And equally enjoyable was the breakfast [*7] with beautiful ceramics and porcelains and of course very nice food. This is the style of treatment in Yufuin, I thought.


大分のちさと - Chisato, Oita


We took highway bus from Chikushino to Oita and checked in at Hokke Club Hotel. It was a well-managed, clean hotel with spacious room. And the charge was only 5100 Yen including breakfast. The buffet breakfast was quite pleasing especially the Japanese selections.
We then tried a blowfish restaurant “Chisato” in the shopping arcade near the hotel for lunch. I ordered “fugu-meshi” (blowfish-rice) set menu, poring dashi with beaten egg on blowfish and rice, which I had for the first time. As shown in the photo, the set comes with blowfish sashimi, and this whole lunch was 1365 Yen. My partner had porridge set menu which was equally impressive, and she by then realized how high the level of eating in Kyushu was in general.


Wonderful Dinner in Dazaifu - 梅の花自然庵


“Ume no Hana” is a chain of Japanese restaurants that are found in some station buildings in Tokyo, and I was not aware until I came to Kyushu that the group was originally from Kurume in this neighborhood. We had an impressive dinner in Shizen-an in Dazaifu. The house was originally built as a private retreat, and the rooms for dining face to a beautiful Japanese garden. The dishes in this atmosphere were amazing, particularly when I found later in the net that the course menu we had was 4000 Yen. I had no pictures taken, so borrowed the entrance shot from their webpage.


Green House - 太宰府の洋食


I am a little reluctant to introduce the spot that I was not entirely satisfied with, but finding a western food restaurant in Dazaifu seemed practically unrealistic. A convenient option though was the cafe built next to National Museum Kyushu. It is run by Hotel New Otani, Hakata, and provides variety of such light food as curry, pastas, sandwitches, or some set of dishes. I ordered a hashed beef on rice, but I would rate it lower than sashima I had in the hotel I stayed the day before. A seafood curry was brought to the next table of mine that smelt quite good and I thought it was more promising. I also had a tea with milk, and they brought a pot with light flavor of earl grey with properly warmed milk.


Biscotti - ビスコッティを作る


It looked so easy and I baked biscotti. No oils associated, and this was well received in my home. I had some dried persimmons handy, and chopped them in, but they did not add an impact in the taste. I will try more options to master the biscotti for a while.


仙太郎 – Sentaro


Sentaro is one of my favorite sweet shops and conveniently available in several department stores. Recently, they introduced a new version of “botamochi” using black beans (kuromame) and thus named it “Kuro-bota”. The beans used are truly excellent koromame and this piece of botamochi even radiates a classy appeal despite the popular type of desert, and it is absolutely tasty!


Chez Vous, recently - 新しくなったシェ・ヴー

Chez Vousが石神井公園から大泉学園に引っ越したことは昨年から聞いていたのだが、先日ようやく昼食してみた。開放的でモダンな雰囲気の店内は昔の倍近い広さだ。

I heard that Chez Vous moved from Shakujii-Koen to Oizumi-Gakuen last year, and I had lunch just recently. The space is modern and open with almost doubled size from the previous premise.
The felice lunch is a set of hors-d’oeuvre, pasta, dolce and coffee for 1,500 Yen. The most impressive were fritta with broccoli and subtly sour homemade bread. They show the ability of this restaurant including the tasty dessert. The pasta was also good but not exactly touching. The best way to enjoy meals here is the dinner to pick up interesting dishes from the menu on the blackboard.


サンフランシスコの美食スポット - San Francisco Dining Memo

Through the years of my experience visiting San Francisco frequently, I definitely have a few favorite places to eat, and I will describe some based on my memo 5 years ago. Take it as my advice when you travel.

1638 Post: 415-440-4959

昨年(2005)11月にオープンしたばかりの環太平洋(Pacific Rim)料理店。シェフは若林さんという日本人で、サウサリートのOndine、Spagoなどを経て店を持たれたようだ。店名とは趣を異にしてシンプルモダンで落ち着きのあるインテリア、中央に巨大な無垢板とガラス天板を合わせた16人がけくらいのテーブルが置かれ、その周囲には2-4人用のテーブルが並んでいる。我々は道路に面したテーブルに着く。Iron HorseのスパークリングとAdobe Roadのピノをもらい、羊とBlue fin tunaを頂いたが、いずれも納得のいく味とプレゼンテーションで、心地よい食事をさせてもらった。
正直なところ前述の大テーブルはテーブルとしてはとても魅力的なものだが、上質な食事を求めて来る客層の人たちが居酒屋カウンターに並ばされるみたいになって使いにくくないのか不安も残る。逆にこの日は華の金曜だったのに我々の他はもう一組だけという寂しい店内だったが、競争の厳しいサンフランシスコなのでぜひ頑張っていただきたい。日本から旅行する皆さんも是非応援に訪ねてみてください。 (2006-01-13)

A restaurant of Pacific Rim dishes just opened last* November (*2005). The chef is Mr. Wakabayashi, Japanese, who used to work in Ondine and Spago in Sausalito. The name Bushi may imply a fierce warrior, but the interior is plain and modern with a huge table of solid wood and glass top in the middle for about 16 people. Also are a few small tables on the side, and we sat at one of them by the street. We ordered Iron Horse sparkling wine and then a bottle of Adobe pinot noir to go with the lamb and the blue-fin tuna. All the dishes were impressive enough both in the taste and the presentation. We indeed had a pleasant dinner.
The above-mentioned large table is very attractive by itself, but for the guests expecting quality service for their dinner, this may look like a bar arrangement to my anxiety. Also it was Friday evening, but there was only another couple beside us. SF dining is so competitive, and I really hope their solid steps ahead. Visitors from Japan are suggested to visit this to cheer the chef up!

B44 Catalan Bistro
44 Belden Place: 415-986-6287

Kearny通りからちょっと一本路地に入るとBelden Placeといって、ここは7月14日のパリ祭の日になると人で埋め尽くされて馬鹿騒ぎが続くビストロ裏路地で、ここだけはカタルーニャまで広げてフランスを持ってきたみたいな空間だ。店の外までテーブルを並べているし、密集しているのもヨーロッパ的か。ティラミスとかバスティーユとか並ぶ店の中で僕の贔屓店はPloufだ。ウェイターたちもフランスから来ている。今日はパエリアが食いたいという気分だったので迷わず隣のCatalanに入る。僕はイタリアンならイカ墨のリゾットかスパゲッティ、スペインならイカ墨のパエリアを迷わず注文するくらいイカれているんですね。一昨年スペインに旅行したとき、バルセロナはガウディ、フィゲラスに足を伸ばしてダリを見て回った中で、カダケスという海辺の街で食べたパエリアを基準にすると、B44のイカ墨パエリアは80点に満たないかも知れないが、それでもうまい!前菜に食べたムール貝もうまい!! (2006-01-14)

Along Kearny Street is a small passage, Belden Place, where is completely packed by people on 14th of July like in Paris. This area is a genuine implant of French environment including Catalognia. Among Tiramisu, Bastille and others, my preferance is Plouf. The waiters are mostly from France.
But today, as I wanted to have paellia, I sat in Catalan, the next door. I am so crazy to shortcut for risotto or spagetti of squid ink if Italian, and for paellia of squid ink if Spanish. When I traveled to Spain to watch Gaudi in Barcelona and Dali in Figueras, the paellia I had in Cadaques by the sea was the reference. The paellea of B44 here might be sub 80 in comparison, but it is still delicious! The mussles were delicious, too! (1/14/2006)

北京楼海鮮館 New Peking Restaurant
707 Sutter (at Taylor): 415-441-8020

アメリカの食事で疲れた胃腸をリセットするには持って来いの中華料理店で、僕は出張中に一度は訪ねる。ちょっと場末に向かうエリアだがユニオンスクエアからも近い。ただ最近はほんとに客が少ないみたいで、その分持ち帰りの常連客が出入りしているし、金曜に行きたいレストランがどこも絶望的な状況でもここなら確実に入れる。流行のレストランのメインディッシュが今や軒並み$30を越すようになってしまったなかで、ここは$20程度で食事が出来てしまう。絶対、懐を裏切らない店だ。例えば、今日は素菜湯(野菜スープ)と菜心蝦仁(エビと青菜の炒め)を注文した。味付けのベースが薄味なのでもたれない。温野菜もたっぷり補給した。最後におみくじ入りのせんべいが出て来るが、今日の籤はRemember there are people who care deeply about you…うれしいね。でもそれって誰のこと? (2006-01-15)

When my stomach feels tired with American meals, this Chinese restaurant is where it can be reset, and I come here at least once every trip. Recently, there seems fewer guests but more come to pick up ordered dishes. Even when it is hopeless to book restaurants on Friday, you never fail to get your seats here. While the price of main dishes now exceeds $30 in fancy restaurants, you may have a complete meal for around $20. Today, I had plain vegetable soup and braised prawns and green vegetable. The taste is very subtle with least burden on the stomach. In the end comes a cracker with oracle: it said “Remember there are people who care deeply about you…” Sounds nice, doesn’t it? (1/15/2006)

598 Second Street (at Brannan): 415-836-9239

開店して1年ほどの新しいレストラン。内装はモダンでシック。味のレベルは高く、僕としては一番しっくり来るお店。この店はJeantyやPlumpJackを展開しているグループの経営。ディナーに来てみたら、ジャイアンツは遠征中なのに球場の真向かいということで、スポーツバー状態。僕はウズラのソテーを前菜に、シアード・ツナをメインに選んだ。ワインはLuciaの2003 Syrah($70)があったので、ほとんど迷うことなくそれに決めた。 (2006-04-05)

This new restaurant has been in business for about a year now. The interior is modern and chic. The quality is quite high, and it is probably the place I would wish to come back the most. It belongs to the group of Jeanty and Plump Jack. This evening, the restaurant was packed like a sports bar despite no game in the ballpark in front. I ordered sauté of quail as the starter and seared tuna for the main dish, and for the wine I chose Lucia Syrah 2003 ($70) almost instantaneously. (4/05/2006)

689 Mission Street: 415-284-4040

2005年秋にオープンした高級ホテルSt. Regisの一階にある日本人シェフのカリフォルニア・キュイジーヌ。ワインはPisoniが$85、Chateauneufが$78、今回は予算を絞ってJeseph RotyのMarsannay $56にした。軽めで楽しめるワイン。羊のOso Buccoがとてもおいしかった。 (2006-05-11)

Situated on the ground floor of luxury St. Regis hotel opened in the autumn of 2005, this Californian cuisine is run by a Japanese chef. In the wine list, I find Pisoni for $85 and Chateauneuf for $78, but today is slightly tight on the budget and I picked Joseph Roty Marsannay for $56, a light and pleasant wine. Oso Bucco of lamb was excellent. (5/11/2006)

寿司豊味 Sushitomi
635 W.Dana Street, Mountain View: 650-968-3227

フランス革命記念日。なぜかこの日にサンフランシスコということが多い。今日もきっとフランス小路は人で溢れているはず。僕はサンタクルーズ方面のワイナリー巡りに出た帰り、夕食はMountain Viewの寿司豊味に立ち寄ることにした。小さな店の入口には人がたむろして順番待ち状態。我々は待つこと約20分でカウンターに座れたのが幸運。店主は連れのAをちゃんと覚えていて、オリンピックみたいに4年に1回だねとジャブ攻撃を受ける。お任せでいろいろ出してもらったが、店主の意気込みがちゃんとネタに反映されていて、鯵・真鯛などは特に美味しかった。
品揃えされた日本酒もなかなか凝っていて、久保田・男山・七賢など適度に産地を散らしている。僕は焼酎の鳥飼を見つけてそれを注文したら、店主はその地元とのことで鳥飼の社長も旧知の間柄とのこと。酒の話になると一気に盛り上がって、ワイン談義に突入、今度来るときはCalera Jensenの1996年を用意しておいてくれるとの約束。さらには牛乳から作った焼酎というのまでごちそうになった。 (2007-07-14)

Bastille Day and somehow I often find myself in San Francisco. French Quarter in downtown should be packed as usual, but we drove out for a winery tour in Santa Cruz. We ended up at Sushitomi in Mountain View for dinner. There was a small line of people in front, and we waited for about 20 minutes. We were lucky to get seats at the counter. The chef remembered my partner A, and joked to him that he showed up one in four years like Olympic games. We picked sushi following the chef’s suggestion, all with serious quality. Mackerel and red snapper were especially impressive.
Their collection of sake wine was equally serious: Kubota, Otokoyama, Shichiken, and other from variety of regions. I found shochu of Torikai and ordered it. The chef told me that he was from its district and knew the director of Torikai well. He loved topics of wines, and promised that he would prepare a bottle of Calera Jensen 1996 when we come back. He then offered me another shochu made from milk. (7/14/2007)

Other recommendable restaurants:

Fifth Floor
Yank Shing
Zuni Cafe