
Bœuf Bourguignon - 牛肉の赤ワイン煮


お礼のランチにはブフ・ブルギニヨンを用意、僕が参考にしているレシピはNIKKEI MAGAZINE 2009/11からの切り抜きで、これは肉と野菜だけでじっくり時間をかける古典的な作り方が勉強になるから。ネットの中にも似たような手順で4日がかりの料理レポートブログもあります。

使ったワインは800円のシャプティエ社Pays d’Oc。ブルゴーニュではなくコート・デュ・ローヌ地区からグルナッシュ・シラーという僕の好みのブドウを使っています。駅前スーパーで見つけました。



The plan for yesterday with a friend of mine was a 30km run to Sajima back and forth, but we gave it up because of the rain and worked on the maintenance of my bicycle instead as he gave me various assistance.

In return, I prepared for him a lunch of beef bourguignon. The recipe I refer to is the clip of Nikkei Magazine 2009/11 because it is very classic and basic using beef and vegetables only but taking very long time (2-4 days) for cooking.

I picked a 800-yen wine in a supermarket near the station: Chapoutier’s Pays d’Oc. It is not burgundy but my favorite grenache and syrah from Côte du Rhone.

I used two kinds of beef: a block of domestic beef round well worthy for slices of steaks and an Australian block of rib with the price of about 1/3. It is generally said that less pricy meat is sufficient for this kind of dishes, and it is true that the rib was indeed tasty, but the tenderness of more expensive beef was definitely superior in comparison.

I had the remainder in the evening which was even better than the lunch. The more the time is spent in cooking, the more the sweetness of vegetables melt in the sauce. In case you don’t have enough time, you may add some tomato purée and sugar to adjust the taste.

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