
Pauillac - ポイヤック

ポイヤックの街は何もない。観光するなら、ワイナリーに直行で良い。僕は観光局からポンテカネまで歩いたので、途中で腹ごしらえを考えたが、店らしきものはジロンド川沿いに数軒あったもののどれも気が向かず、たまたま通った路地(多分Aristide Briand)にパン屋を見付け、そこでpizza specialeとショソン・オポムを買って川に戻って食べた。このピザはピリ辛で美味かった。

There was nothing in the town of Pauillac that visitors would enjoy, and it seemed entirely okay to directly visit wineries. As I walked from la mason de tourisme to Pontet-Canet, I considered biting something on my way and I saw a few restaurants by Gironde River, but I did not find them fancy, and going further in a small street (Aristide Briand, perhaps), I found a boulangerie where I bought a chausson au pomme and a pizza speciale for about 3.70. I ate them back by the river. The pizza was actually quite good and spicy.
I will upload the photos later upon my return because iPad's Safari cannot do that somehow.

1 comment:

fouchic said...

The photo has been posted.