
Cooking with Steam - 蒸籠

お店には4ランクの商品があって、上から檜、ホワイトパイン、杉となり、その下にもう1 ランクあるようです。僕は最も標準的な杉にしてサイズは24cmφと決めていました。このサイズなら肉まんが3個入るし、26cmのフライパンでもちょうど組み合わせやすいと考えたからです。これは1800円弱でしたが、ランクが上がるとその2倍、4倍に跳ね上がります。アルミの敷板が同じくらいの値段でした。もしこれでハマったら、CRISTELの蒸し鍋を買い足しても良いかなと考えています。

I bought a Chinese steaming basket. As for steamed cooking, I had only tried egg puddings before or back in my childhood some attempts of bavarois, but this month’s “Okazu Cooking” textbook had steaming as its main subject which stimulated me to try with a fish which turned out to be fabulous and I was motivated to try more seriously. So I went to Shoho in Yokohama Chinatown.
They carried baskets in 4 grades: hinoki cypress, white pine, cedar, and then something on the bottom. I took the most standard cedar baskets and I was determined to get the size of 24 cm diameter because it can steam up to 3 Chinese buns and also my 26cm frying pan would fit well. The price was about 1800 Yen while the upper models were x2 or x4 more expensive. The aluminum bottom plate was about the same price. If steaming becomes an indispensable repartoire for me, I would consider adding CRISTEL’s cuit-vapeur at a later time.

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