
Luz Saint Sauveur - ピレネーの村で

Luz St Sauveurでは翌日のハイキングのランチに何か用意しておこうとカルフールに行った。ローストビーフ、チーズ、サラダなどを見繕っていると、今日の夜も同じ物を食べてしまえば簡単だと思ってワインも買った。チーズはTomme Catalaneというのが美味そうだったが本当にうまくて驚いた。しかも185gで1.74ユーロと安い。ワインは5ユーロ前後の製品はゾロゾロあって、 Faugeresを3.99で買った。

At Luz St Sauveur, I thought of preparing something to bite during the hike the following day, and i went to carrefoul. I bought roast beef, cheese and salad of carrots. Then it popped in my mind that it would be easier if I had the same for the supper, so I added a bottle of wine. The cheese I chose was Tomme Catalan which looked good, and it was indeed very good. It was only 1.74 Euros for 185g. In the supermarket, variety of wines in the price range of 5 Euros were on the shelves. Faugeres was 3.99.

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