
京都のイタリアン – Divo Diva

2日目のランチは四条烏丸の大丸からほど近いDivo Divaという店に入った。僕は蒸し煮された金目鯛の上に薄切りのズッキーニをあしらったランチ、連れ合いはエビ・貝のトマトクリームソース・パスタを注文した。前菜もそうなのだが、旨味をちゃんと持ちながら決して突出することのないうす味の極地のような味付けに、これはイタリア料理と言っても京都基準の味だとつくづく思う。

For the second day’s lunch in Kyoto, we went to an Italian restaurant near Daimaru department store at Shijo-Karasuma. I ordered steamed alfonsino topped with very thin slices of zucchini and my partner ordered shrimp and shellfish pasta with tomato cream source. Divo Diva definitely offers Italian but precisely speaking I thought its taste actually falls under Kyoto criteria; “the ultimate delicacy of subtlety and sophistication” where the dishes surely integrate the tasty essence but none of elements never stick out. After the happy lunch, we strolled the arcade of Nishiki-koji and bought some square sushi, rolled eggs with stock and chestnuts of Tanba for souvenirs, and took the return train home.


京都・セントノーム - Centnovum in Kyoto


I am in Kyoto now. Hotel Centnovum in a few minutes’ walking distance to the east from Hachijo exit of Kyoto Station did not look busy at all, but I picked its Japanese restaurant, Sansui, from the guidebook and had lunch there. The assorted set was relatively small but the quality was evident with the amazing tempura quality and serious wasabi for sashimi, or tofu on side and miso soup. I thought 1500 Yen was a happy price.


Grapes - ブドウ


Grapes are in season now and I often have them with yogurt. To peel the fruit, it seems smoother to tackle from the top of the skin rather than from the bottom. It is my recent finding.


ロールケーキ - Roll Cake


The roll cake that pops up in my mind immediately would be Dojima Roll of ChouChou for which people always line up in the store. Whipped cream occupies a large portion of it, but the taste is light and fresh. Yesterday, I bought a roll cake of Angelina, renowned for their Mont Blanc. The size was relatively small and on the top featured was a decorative layer of their popular Mont Blanc. It tasted richer with some more density, and I can recommend it. The price is 1365 Yen.