
ストロー・ハットの特注ランチ - Straw Hat's Special Lunch



We came up with the idea to have lunch at Straw Hat on Wednesday and phoned them to book a table the night before. The chef told us that the market was closed on Wednesdays and therefore the dishes could be made only from the material they already had in hand. Our answer was as long as it wouldn't be a single-plate lunch but a compact course of meal instead, it would be fine. Eventually, two dishes were impressive.
One is "Chawan-mushi" which means steamed pot. A slice of cheese was hidden and melted in the bottom, and some Umeboshi in the pudding was a part of harmonious complexity of tastes.

Local Shinshu Salmon marinée was not only beautiful to look at but also fabulous tasting it! On top of a thick slice of salmon were shrimps, tiny dices of various vegetables and herbs: Their crispiness melts with the salmon in your mouth. I should try it myself in my kitchen!

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