やまの時間・清里のハンバーグ - Hamburg Steak in Kiyosato
清里の駅からかなり下ることになるが、ハンバーグの美味しい店ということで『農園レストラン やまの時間』に行ってみた。最初に出て来たサラダの生野菜も美味しかった。ハンバーグのソースは味噌を使った濃厚な味で、肉の方は普通に美味しい。と言うか家庭料理的な感じで、これをもっとガツンと肉の質を競うようなハンバーグにすればさらに満足度は高まるなと思った。飲み物付きで1674円はやや行楽地価格かな。
ストロー・ハットの特注ランチ - Straw Hat's Special Lunch
We came up with the idea to have lunch at Straw Hat on Wednesday and phoned them to book a table the night before. The chef told us that the market was closed on Wednesdays and therefore the dishes could be made only from the material they already had in hand. Our answer was as long as it wouldn't be a single-plate lunch but a compact course of meal instead, it would be fine. Eventually, two dishes were impressive.
One is "Chawan-mushi" which means steamed pot. A slice of cheese was hidden and melted in the bottom, and some Umeboshi in the pudding was a part of harmonious complexity of tastes.
Local Shinshu Salmon marinée was not only beautiful to look at but also fabulous tasting it! On top of a thick slice of salmon were shrimps, tiny dices of various vegetables and herbs: Their crispiness melts with the salmon in your mouth. I should try it myself in my kitchen!
We came up with the idea to have lunch at Straw Hat on Wednesday and phoned them to book a table the night before. The chef told us that the market was closed on Wednesdays and therefore the dishes could be made only from the material they already had in hand. Our answer was as long as it wouldn't be a single-plate lunch but a compact course of meal instead, it would be fine. Eventually, two dishes were impressive.
One is "Chawan-mushi" which means steamed pot. A slice of cheese was hidden and melted in the bottom, and some Umeboshi in the pudding was a part of harmonious complexity of tastes.
Local Shinshu Salmon marinée was not only beautiful to look at but also fabulous tasting it! On top of a thick slice of salmon were shrimps, tiny dices of various vegetables and herbs: Their crispiness melts with the salmon in your mouth. I should try it myself in my kitchen!
我が家のカトラリーから - My Cutlery
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Arno Jacobsen and AMBOSS |
上は言わずと知れたGeorg Jensen、さる映画で使われて一躍有名になったAJモデル。むしろ僕にとってのお宝は下の製品。オーストリアのAMBOSSと刻印されており、半世紀くらい前の大昔、僕が学生時代にいくつか集めたヨーロッパの食器類のひとつだ。先端がちょっと欠けてしまっているが、完成度の高い洗練されたデザインだと思う。ティースプーンもあったのだが、それはどこかに消失してしまった。AMBOSSはネット検索しても何も出てこないので、会社そのものが既にないのかも知れない。
Above is Georg Jensen, no need for an introduction about it: This AJ model became so famous as it was used in a futuristic movie. Actually, my true treasure is on the bottom that reads AMBOSS, Austria. I bought it almost a half century ago when I was a university student as one of my small collection of European kitchenware at that time. Purely refined design with perfect simplicity. I also had a teaspoon, but it disappeared. I searched AMBOSS in the net but nothing popped, and I guess the company itself may have disappeared, too.
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