I went to Academie du Vin today to join the wine seminar by Hiro Kusuda who ran a winery in New Zealand. The room was full for this special event and there were more female participants. All of them looked very serious. The title was something like “the amazing purity realized through Bonsai-like viticulture” that sound rather academic, but Mr. Kusuda explained some examples of how much care was taken in growing grapes. This care is actually a series of very fine work, and the local people tend to think Kusuda is insane, but he feels nothing he does is extreme as we Japanese know how much attention would be put on Bonsai plants. Also we share a similar example of professionalism with Ichiro in MBL.
Toward the end of the seminar, Mr. Kusuda told us an episode while he was working on his graduation thesis to analyse the wine flavor elements, and something he found was that people liked wines that had distinguished appeal of positive flavors even though they tended to also carry negative flavor elements. On the other hand, the best wine he thought himself was with rather subtle positive elements but almost undetectable level of netative flavor elements. This sounds exactly like the Kusudaism that charactarizes the feature of Kusuda Wines.