
The end of my cellar - ワインセラーの末路


The wine cellar in my home died. I chose this model, EH-WS115 without much thoughts simply because it had sufficient capacity for the money, but it was made in China and sold through discount stores, and I doubt it is practically serviceable. It claimed the Pertier cooler system but was rather fragile to last only 3 years. It evidently lacked the ability to cool against the extraordinary summer climate this year. I used it on the ground floor which is cooler in my home, but the temperature was constantly over 30 during the day this summer, and it probably failed to survive through the summer. My wife said to me that she might be able to use it as a storage box in the garden corner.
This time, I seriously looked into the information of various products as the successor, and the best options seemed Dometic CS32D or Folster ST-AF140, both around $1600 price range. If I cannot afford one of them, I have to look for a compressor model with roughly the same capacity for lower cost. I also saw an Eurocave model that can be built into the kitchen system, but it was almost twice more expensive.
My basic stance for this issue is to avoid unnecessary expense basically because the hobby of collecting wines itself is something that I think I should fade out sooner or later.

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