
フランスパンの店SONKA - Boulanger and Sakura Watching


You go to River Zenpukuji-Ryokuchi for sakura-watching without a lunch-box, in which case a kind-of-niche boulangerie Sonka is nearby. You can eat sandwiches in or buy one to go. I had BLT sandwich with soup. Their bread is short for a baguette but the contrast of crisp skin and inner softness is fabulous. Young mothers showed up one after another with their kids which indicated this store seemed well accepted in the community. The service of a married couple may require some patience on us in terms of efficiency, but they do the honest work and you will surely leave the shop with satisfaction after having had the light meal.

NZ Food - ニュージーランド食材あれこれ

Passing through Wellington, now well-known for coffee shops, I dropped in one of them. This toast was impressive while their cappuccino was ordinary.  
Toast with toasted cheese @Customs Cafe, Wellington
Being invited to the dinner at my friend's home, the feast was these gigantic crayfish directly obtained from a guy who caught them and the size was obviously 2 to 3 times larger than those found in the market.
Giant Crayfish
And its dish
Also from the same hunter!
クイーンズタウン空港でも出店があったPatagonia Chocolate。観光客で賑わう湾岸にて、山から降りてひと時の休息。
Boysenberry Sorbet and Patagonia Dark Chocolate Ice Cream
Oil sardines were handy while I stayed in a motel and also as cheap as NZ$1.40 in the supermarket!
Looking closer, they were from Canada...
Oil Sardine at a Super-market was from Canada
The most popular spot for food in Queenstown would be definitely Fergburger. I had to be in the queue for half and hour to get one: I took it back to my B&B and ate in the terrace for even better atmosphere. The beef was real and the blue cheese seemed the ideal match in the burger with wonderful harmony.