
甲斐路のうなぎ - Eel in Koshu Area



Bleu d'Affinois - ダフィノア・ブルー

Fromager d'Affinois製の青カビチーズだが、ベースの白カビ・クリームチーズがとても旨かったので、これとパンだけで口の中が幸せ感で満たされる。ところが、Kayserのパンが全くフランスパンになっていない。粉も違うし、皮も中身もふにゃふにゃしてる。何なんだこれ?という感じ。

Bleu d'Affinois is a blue cheese, but its creamy mildewy base is so good that a piece on the bread brings you a satisfying feel in the mouth. On the other hand, this Kayser bread is totally an alien for naming a French bread. The flour is something different and nothing crispy. What the hell it is!


YukiUsagi, Kusatsu Onsen - 草津温泉で紅茶


A small tea house in the town of Kusatsu Onsen hot springs that had closed last year reopened a few months ago with the bigger facility in the backyard a few meters off the street. The very unusual sight of Kusatsu in this spring is that we only see young visitors: Perhaps most of them came here celebrating their graduation. The tea house YukiUsagi is no exception filled with young people.


蕎麦茶寮七草 - Nanakuma



Before getting in further climb toward Kusatsu Hotspring from Naganohara-Kusatsuguchi train station, you will see “Uta no Eki” with an antique shop on your right side and that is where this very buckwheat noodle (SOBA) shop exists exactly on the other side. I used to pass by several times here and have completely overlooked its presence just until now!

The house is built in modern Japanese style with plain and sophisticated taste, you hear jazz in the background music, and an eye-catchingly ancient phonograph player sits on the counter. Their noodles and tempura are quite refined in flavor, something opposite to the rural style. 100% buckwheat noodle is priced 300 yen more expensive than their standard 9:1 blend noodle. Their a la carte menu looks also unique and interesting. 


古酒堪能 - Old Wines

年代物のワインと向き合う稀有な機会があった。ひとつは1996年のChambertin Clos de Bèze、それもアルマン・ルソーという恐ろしい相手だ。ちょっと特別な機会(生涯で最初にして最後かも!)だからと、知人がセラーから持ち出してフレンチのレストランに持ち込みした。ラベルの痛みから商品にはしにくいボトルとは言え、ちょっと奮発させ過ぎたのを謹んで賞味した。僕は古酒を経験する環境にないし、ワインは寝かせておくより若いうちに飲んでしまう方が概して好みだと思っているのだが、御本人によれば今が飲み頃だとのこと。流石にこの枯れた色とまろやかなバランスには、滅多に味わえるものではないし、自分もこれに相応する歳になったのだなあとの感慨が脳裏をかすめる。因みにお店に試飲分提供で開栓料チャラは当然でしょう。値札? 想像つかないです!

さらに今月立て続けにもう1本は半世紀遡ること1969年のChâteau Mouton Rothschildです!これは自分が保管しておいた友人のためのヴィンテージ・ボトルで、ようやく祝いの開栓という機会が訪れた訳です。ところがセラーから取り出してみるとこれが惨憺たる状態で、「ああ、勿体ない!」としばし絶句・・・。経年にコルクが耐えられず中から液が漏れ出して、中身の量も減っているし、キャップの周りはカビで盛り上がっている。これは祝いのディナーには諦めて、食事後我が家で「嘆きの開栓式」を執り行った。さぞや酸化して酸っぱいだろうと予想していたのを裏切るように「何だか飲めますね」との反応。歳を取るということはエッジが効いた個性的な角が取れ、丸くなったということなのだが、そこからもう一歩進んでボケ老人くらい特徴がぼんやりしている状態に感じるのは、この保存状態による劣化のせいなのか、単に経年と言えるのかは僕の経験からは何もわからない。でも一応古酒らしく祝い酒を飲めたことで御本人にも満足いただいて、痛みの跡が残る記念のエチケットも渡した。今、我が家のセラーに寝かせているボトルは最古参で1999のMouton Rothchild、あとは2000年代のものばかりなので、古酒になる前に飲み手が先に逝ってしまうでしょう。今のうちに飲んでおかないと・・・。

I had extremely rare occasions to face with some old wines from the previous century. One was Chambertin Clos de Bèze, 1996, and furthermore to horrify myself, it was an Armand Rousseau bottle! My friend picked it up from her cellar saying "because it is a special occasion", and I guess it would be fair to say the only chance for ever. The BYO bottle sat in a French restaurant in front of us. Not being basically in the living situation with vintage wines myself, I tend to consider the wines would be happy enough to be tasted while they are young rather than being laid down for years, but my friend ensured that it should be the right timing to enjoy. This faded color with the mild taste is the absolute result of aging, and at that very moment an idea splashed in my brain that said that my own aging had reached this level of maturity. 
The price tag? Far beyond my imagination!

Another one in this month was Château Mouton Rothschild, 1969 - a half century back here! This was a bottle that I kept by myself as the vintage wine for a friend of mine, and finally the time has come to open it. But out of my cellar was shown a miserable bottle, and I had no word other than "merde!" Its cork could not stand with 50 years of patience, and the wine penetrated to drip out as the deterioration progressed. Inside the bottle remained less of the wine, and around the cap looked exploded with mold. As this was inappropriate for the celebration dinner, we decided to have a ceremonial opening afterward in my house expecting vinegar-like liquid - Rothschild for cooking! Surprisingly, "looks drinkable" was our reaction of tasting. Aging effect may be interpreted as rounding its edges - young and inherent characters - to bring everything milder gradually. 
This case may be more steps ahead toward a senile status because its character seemed even more obscure and indistinctive, and I had no idea if it was because of this problem through cork deterioration or simply from aging of wine itself. Anyway, my friend in concern was happy to have tried the vintage wine (rather than a wine-vinegar) even though its label looked equally indistinguishable.
In my cellar, the oldest bottle is now the same Rothschild 1999 and the rest is mostly in the first decade of this century, and it means that I would have already vanished when they are truly old wines ... unless drink 'em now!


レアチーズケーキ - Non-baked Cheese Cake




大泉学園のBée - Boulangerie in Town



One of our favorite boulangeries that is conveniently in town of Oizumi-Gakuen, and when I went to buy some bread this morning, there was a long line of people that extended to outside of the shop. Being a small shop as it is, the queue was just less than 10 people but I've never seen such a scene since it started long years ago. I can guarantee the quality of their whichever bread: loaves, baguettes or hard types that well compare to famous top-class boulangeries, and I guess they now enjoy their success story in business.


フランスパンの店SONKA - Boulanger and Sakura Watching


You go to River Zenpukuji-Ryokuchi for sakura-watching without a lunch-box, in which case a kind-of-niche boulangerie Sonka is nearby. You can eat sandwiches in or buy one to go. I had BLT sandwich with soup. Their bread is short for a baguette but the contrast of crisp skin and inner softness is fabulous. Young mothers showed up one after another with their kids which indicated this store seemed well accepted in the community. The service of a married couple may require some patience on us in terms of efficiency, but they do the honest work and you will surely leave the shop with satisfaction after having had the light meal.

NZ Food - ニュージーランド食材あれこれ

Passing through Wellington, now well-known for coffee shops, I dropped in one of them. This toast was impressive while their cappuccino was ordinary.  
Toast with toasted cheese @Customs Cafe, Wellington
Being invited to the dinner at my friend's home, the feast was these gigantic crayfish directly obtained from a guy who caught them and the size was obviously 2 to 3 times larger than those found in the market.
Giant Crayfish
And its dish
Also from the same hunter!
クイーンズタウン空港でも出店があったPatagonia Chocolate。観光客で賑わう湾岸にて、山から降りてひと時の休息。
Boysenberry Sorbet and Patagonia Dark Chocolate Ice Cream
Oil sardines were handy while I stayed in a motel and also as cheap as NZ$1.40 in the supermarket!
Looking closer, they were from Canada...
Oil Sardine at a Super-market was from Canada
The most popular spot for food in Queenstown would be definitely Fergburger. I had to be in the queue for half and hour to get one: I took it back to my B&B and ate in the terrace for even better atmosphere. The beef was real and the blue cheese seemed the ideal match in the burger with wonderful harmony.


仁右衛門 - Café in Nikko


Visited Nikko last week to watch the autumnal colors, and on our way back to the station, we came across with an interesting café rich with Japanese tastes. At this Niemon, we ordered Matcha (green tea) Latte and Matcha Bavarois both of which were quite satisfying. In the café were displayed various ceramic ware, glasses, and iron pots to amuse our eyes, too.





Favorite Home Dishes - 夏場のお気に入りレシピ





Merci Tout Le Monde

昨日の日曜日は哲学堂のMerci tout le mondeへ行き、KusudaのRiesling、Pinot、Syrahに合わせたフレンチで内輪のディナーを楽しむ。その写真は割愛するが、おまけにクスダ樽で熟成したIchiro's Maltも試飲させてもらう。これはとにかく度が強い酒だった。ボトルを抱えているのが他ならぬ御本人である。

Last Sunday, I went to "Merci Tout Le Monde" near Tetsugakudo to enjoy French dishes coupled with Kusuda Riesling, Pinot and Syrah with intimate group of Kusuda friends. Not only that, we had a chance to taste Ichiro's Malt matured in Kusuda barrel. This malt was so strong! Here, Hiro himself is holding the bottle.


ワインセラーの入れ替え - Retiring Silent Cave CS-32D





やまの時間・清里のハンバーグ - Hamburg Steak in Kiyosato

清里の駅からかなり下ることになるが、ハンバーグの美味しい店ということで『農園レストラン やまの時間』に行ってみた。最初に出て来たサラダの生野菜も美味しかった。ハンバーグのソースは味噌を使った濃厚な味で、肉の方は普通に美味しい。と言うか家庭料理的な感じで、これをもっとガツンと肉の質を競うようなハンバーグにすればさらに満足度は高まるなと思った。飲み物付きで1674円はやや行楽地価格かな。

ストロー・ハットの特注ランチ - Straw Hat's Special Lunch



We came up with the idea to have lunch at Straw Hat on Wednesday and phoned them to book a table the night before. The chef told us that the market was closed on Wednesdays and therefore the dishes could be made only from the material they already had in hand. Our answer was as long as it wouldn't be a single-plate lunch but a compact course of meal instead, it would be fine. Eventually, two dishes were impressive.
One is "Chawan-mushi" which means steamed pot. A slice of cheese was hidden and melted in the bottom, and some Umeboshi in the pudding was a part of harmonious complexity of tastes.

Local Shinshu Salmon marinée was not only beautiful to look at but also fabulous tasting it! On top of a thick slice of salmon were shrimps, tiny dices of various vegetables and herbs: Their crispiness melts with the salmon in your mouth. I should try it myself in my kitchen!


我が家のカトラリーから - My Cutlery

Arno Jacobsen and AMBOSS

上は言わずと知れたGeorg Jensen、さる映画で使われて一躍有名になったAJモデル。むしろ僕にとってのお宝は下の製品。オーストリアのAMBOSSと刻印されており、半世紀くらい前の大昔、僕が学生時代にいくつか集めたヨーロッパの食器類のひとつだ。先端がちょっと欠けてしまっているが、完成度の高い洗練されたデザインだと思う。ティースプーンもあったのだが、それはどこかに消失してしまった。AMBOSSはネット検索しても何も出てこないので、会社そのものが既にないのかも知れない。

Above is Georg Jensen, no need for an introduction about it: This AJ model became so famous as it was used in a futuristic movie. Actually, my true treasure is on the bottom that reads AMBOSS, Austria. I bought it almost a half century ago when I was a university student as one of my small collection of European kitchenware at that time. Purely refined design with perfect simplicity. I also had a teaspoon, but it disappeared. I searched AMBOSS in the net but nothing popped, and I guess the company itself may have disappeared, too.


筍の季節 - Bamboo Shoots' Season


Bamboo shoots are just in season now, and I already cooked it with cabbage and clams last week which was pretty good. So I had no intension today for another bamboo, but the grocery guy appealed theirs came from local Hayama neighborhood and a very good deal, against which I couldn't resist for mere 400 Yen.
The price of bamboo shoot at department stores for renowned ones from Kyoto could be as high as 1500 Yen, or 1000 Yen for one from popular Kyushu area. Ordinary families should stick to the local stores as there is time when they bring them in bulk.


ショコラに狂乱の季節 - Insane Season for Chocolate



まず、Le Chocolat HattのアソートとLa Verdureのオレンジピール。

